The EIRSAT-1 team spent all of last week together, perfecting our documents for the Critical Design Review. The Critical Design Review (CDR) is a suite of documents which outlines the design of the satellite. We must state and justify design choices and outline how payloads and subsystems will be built, tested and operated.
Over the past few months, document leaders (called ‘Book Captains’) have been working with team members to get these documents written. At each weekly meeting, the documents would be reviewed and any problems would be addressed.
Last Monday, the Book Captains met in a boardroom in the UCD School of Physics to review the documents. With a deadline of Sunday September 17th to send the documents to the Fly Your Satellite! team, we needed to dot every i and cross every t. 5 days in this boardroom, some late nights, and work over the weekend led to the successful delivery of the data pack to the Fly Your Satellite! team.
Now we wait until the Fly Your Satellite! team send us comments on these documents. These comments are called Review Item Discrepancies (RIDs). Once we receive RIDs, we must address them by updating the documents to meet the standards of the FYS team.
For now we wait until we hear back from the Fly Your Satellite! team and brace ourselves to correct any mistakes or omissions. We’ll keep you up to date on our progress on our Twitter and here on the blog!